On-demand Webinar

IT Consultants:

Find the right field management software for your clients

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  • Invoicing
  • Dispatching
  • Digital field tickets
  • Field management software


38 min

Are you an IT professional looking for a right management software for your client?

This webinar was designed to assist IT professionals with recommending the right field management software to their clients. With so many options available, we want to show you upfront and with no obligation, what Aimsio has to offer.

Do clients come to you to find a software to do any of the following things?

  • Field ticketing
  • Timesheets
  • Safety forms and reporting
  • Dispatch crew and equipment
  • Certification tracking
  • Invoicing
  • POs

Using a field management software can solve all of these billing problems.

When you no longer have billing errors in your processes, your profits are protected. We want to ensure that every, single item is charged back to your customers so your profits never take a back seat.

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • Hardware requirements: web and mobile (iOS and Android)
  • Offline capabilities: No wifi needed in remote locations
  • Secure cloud hosting
  • Features: All-in-one solution with options for everything to start and finish jobs

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