
Resource Costing

Labor hours can be tricky. Aimsio will take care of producing payroll data and will then pass it off to a payroll accounting system using an integration or CSV export.

Eliminate the data gathering process

No need to leap from Timesheet to spreadsheet to gather hours.

Better visibility into projects

Trust your cost reports are accurate and gain even more visibility into the cost of your projects.

Have confidence in your data

Exporting payroll data out of Aimsio will allow you to accurately and efficiently run payroll.

About Resouce Costing

Accurately bill your customers

Payroll isn’t the only reason to use Aimsio’s Resource Costing feature. Fieldwork is your source of revenue, which means you need a reliable way to track billable time and material. Take the grunt work out of this process with Aimsio’s Resource Costing.

Properly calculate the cost of any resource

Calculate the costs of labor, equipment, material, and miscellaneous items such as consumables.

Payroll rules

You likely have some full time employees on salary, but the majority of your workforce are paid on an hourly basis plus bonuses such as subsistence, meals, truck pay, etc. Determining whether someone gets overtime or double time can be influenced by unions or jurisdictions. Aimsio is equipped to handle these rules.

To learn more about Resource Costing read this blog.

Find this feature in the following plans

  • Aimsio Performance
  • Aimsio Ultimate

Other Features

Explore some other features

Take a look at all of Aimsio’s features

Cost and Actual per WBS

Conduct detailed comparisons between the estimated and actual costs for every phase of a Job.

Budget and Contract Values

Track items such as Original Contract Value, Changes to Contract Value, and Amended Contract Value.


Convert field Tickets into Invoices or create standalone Invoices. Both Canadian and US tax rates are supported.


Track and bill field work with Field Tickets, LEMs, or Daily Tickets. Tickets can be connected with other features for ultimate efficiency.


Choose from crew Timesheets for supervisors or individual Timesheets for employees. Timesheets can be submitted for approval.

Client Portal

Send Tickets, Estimates, or Change Orders for electronic approval. Customize the logo, email subject, and message for a great impression.


Unlock your full potential with integrations

Integrate your accounting, payroll, or ERP software with Aimsio to make your day-to-day data entry disappear.

Want to see this feature in action?

Get a personalized demo with us to learn more about how this and other features can evolve your field operations.