Whether you've just started using Aimsio or are one of our long-time customers, we want to ensure that you get the most out of our software. Many times, when customers first sign up, they have one or two big problems they want to solve. And typically, these problems...
Field ticket software: Paper field tickets and LEMs don’t cut it
Are you still using paper field tickets or LEMs? Using paper for field tickets and LEMs (Labor, Equipment and Material) is becoming obsolete. And while it may seem daunting to start using a digital solution for these documents, it's something that your company should...
The real reason it’s time to find a software for your field operations
Sure, there are lots of reasons to find a software to control your field operations. Here are just a few of them: Save time by reducing the amount of paperwork you have. Save money by tracking every crew member and piece of equipment in the field. Save yourself from...
Top 5 Benefits of Using HSE & Compliance Software
The impacts of a serious incident can create chaos, wreak havoc on your workers, and your company's reputation. A serious incident or fatality could lead to: Employee injury Hefty legal fees Worker compensation claims Regulator penalties Delays in jobs Not only do...
Five reasons it’s time to go paperless
We get it - making changes to processes is difficult. First, you have to research your options. Then you have to get buy-in from your team. Then you have to sell it as *the* solution. Finally, there's the implementation and training. But, here's the thing...using...
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