Working for rail operators, such as CN Rail (Canadian National Railway) , comes with its unique challenges, particularly when it comes to meeting stringent requirements for data capture and reporting. At Aimsio, we understand these challenges and have developed a...
Technology & Innovation
How to Increase Your Productivity in the Cloud
The ability to access digital tools anywhere at anytime? Sounds great, but it's not a one-size-fits-all experience for everyone. Newer users may resist the adoption of cloud software because they’re acclimated to the performance of their offline applications. While...
Essential Tech-Terms for the Construction Industry Vol. 1
In today's rapidly evolving world, technology is transforming every industry (including construction). However, understanding the jargon associated with these advancements can be overwhelming, especially for those who are not tech-savvy. In this article, we present a...
Navigating the Future: The Digital Transformation of the Heavy Construction & Energy Industries
The construction & energy sectors are fast moving and unforgiving, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for success. As the industry undergoes continuous transformation, it is crucial to navigate the future by identifying key trends and understanding the...
Field Service Trends Shaping This Decade
What will the future of field service look like by 2030? While 2030 may seem far off, for those who are in charge of determining the company's course, it is a relatively recent date. And in order to change the company, they typically make important decisions today. It...
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Field Service Software
In today's fast-paced business world, companies that provide field services, such as repairs, installations, and maintenance, are under constant pressure to deliver the highest levels of efficiency and customer satisfaction. Fortunately, advances in artificial...
Field ticket software: Paper field tickets and LEMs don’t cut it
Are you still using paper field tickets or LEMs? Using paper for field tickets and LEMs (Labor, Equipment and Material) is becoming obsolete. And while it may seem daunting to start using a digital solution for these documents, it's something that your company should...
Digitizing the Right of Way: Pipeline Construction Software
Critical Need for New Pipelines Oil production in the Permian Basin has passed 4 million barrels a day, but because of pipeline constraints, it’s selling at a discount. Transport bottlenecks are also to blame for low natural gas prices, resulting in reduced production...
Is a Cloud-based App Right for Your Business?
Remember CD-ROMs? How about installation procedures that should have started with, “Do you have 6 hours for this?”, and frequent new versions that produced compatibility nightmares. Thankfully, technology is always moving toward efficiencies. At the personal consumer...
AI for Business: Is it right for your organization?
Artificial intelligence has found its way into daily life. From Siri and Google Maps, to smart home virtual assistants and cars that parallel-park themselves, AI is available to consumers who want help doing hard things, faster. Considering the popularity and...
Oil and Gas Technology: Automation, Remote Operation, AI
Exciting changes are happening as upstream companies make the transition from manual processes to digitization and automation. Let’s take a look at some of the most recent tech innovations as well as what’s next for the industry. Nabors Nabors RigWatchⓇNavigatorTM...
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