Why transitioning your service business to a Field Management Software is a must in 2022. There are several reasons why businesses ought to quit utilizing spreadsheets to manage their operations. The following are some major drawbacks of using spreadsheets (you might...
Business Processes & Management
What Should You Look for in an Oil & Gas Field Operations Software Platform?
How often do you hear "Let me get back to the office" or “Sorry, we can’t do that out in the field?" The saying "time is money" is an old one, yet it holds true more than ever in the hyper-efficient business world of today. Although the idea of software as a service...
Do more, with less: Is it possible?
Between a widespread labor shortage, ever-changing Covid-19 restrictions, and the price of oil finally rising above $80 per barrel...it seems we're still living in "unprecedented" times. As much as we're tired of hearing about the "unprecedented" times, it still rings...
Using Vendor Data as an Asset
Upstream oil and gas companies rely on data to shed light on what can’t be seen. Details about a formation, bit location, flow, composition — producers know just how valuable this information is and what it can contribute to future projects. However, without adding...
3 Best Practices for Workflows: Capturing Operational Data
Every organization has workflows. A workflow is basically the sequence of events that takes place before work is completed. There are a million ways in which steps in a workflow can be combined. For the purpose of this article, we will be discussing the particular...
How to Overcome 3 Software Implementation Hurdles
There can be multiple hurdles between choosing a software and successfully implementing one. And the hurdles look different depending on where you’re at in the process. Between buy-in and roll-out, a lot can happen, so let’s take a look at how to address three common...
Workflows 101
Workflow seems one of those informal terms that should be pretty self explanatory - like timeshare or throwback. But actually, workflow is an formal management term with its own definition in the Oxford English Dictionary: workflow /ˈwəːkfləʊ noun 1. The sequence of...
Project Success: Meeting deadlines through lag time awareness
Let’s talk about lag. Not the lag you plan for when you’re project sequencing - that would be too easy.We’re talking about the frustrating delays associated with managing remote projects Does this scenario sound familiar? With a deadline looming, you get a call from...
The real reason it’s time to find a software for your field operations
Sure, there are lots of reasons to find a software to control your field operations. Here are just a few of them: Save time by reducing the amount of paperwork you have. Save money by tracking every crew member and piece of equipment in the field. Save yourself from...
Five reasons it’s time to go paperless
We get it - making changes to processes is difficult. First, you have to research your options. Then you have to get buy-in from your team. Then you have to sell it as *the* solution. Finally, there's the implementation and training. But, here's the thing...using...
How to Pick the Right Field Service Management Software
Choosing the right software solution according to your needs will save your company time and money. With so many options on the market, finding the best Field Service Management Software can be tricky. The right solution will help you improve efficiencies, manage...
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