What Should You Look for in an Oil & Gas Field Operations Software Platform?

by | Jul 20, 2022

How often do you hear “Let me get back to the office” or “Sorry, we can’t do that out in the field?” The saying “time is money” is an old one, yet it holds true more than ever in the hyper-efficient business world of today. Although the idea of software as a service (SaaS) is not new, the oil and gas industry has been hesitant to capitalize on its advantages. With Aimsio, you can bridge that gap.

Oil and gas service providers should seek out SaaS solutions that include features specifically designed to address their pain points and industry needs. Some features you might expect to get from your SaaS tools could include:

  • Project Tracking – Receive real-time information about your projects to identify areas of priority and achieve optimum operational efficiency.
  • Data consolidation – You and your stakeholders should have a single source of truth for your data. No more copying data from one system to another.
  • Budget management – Get real-time budget updates and make changes as needed.
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration – Ensure communication is always clear and concise with collaboration tools.
  • Compliance help – Manage abandonment sites and automate compliance measures.

This is just a sample of the features that Aimsio can offer the oil and gas industry with our advanced software platform.

How SaaS Tools Can Optimize Your Operations

Software as a Service (SaaS) is still in its infancy but is rapidly developing. The advancements achieved in the SaaS space should be utilized by those in the oil and gas sector. SaaS offers unmatched accessibility and mobility that is beneficial for uses other than marketing campaigns. The Software as a Service model offers cutting-edge businesses that are undergoing digital transformation great business value. Oil and gas companies are also capable of undergoing a digital revolution.

If your company is in the oilfield services sector, you probably have a lot of different interactions with different stakeholders (your employees, your clients, governments, field professionals, etc). You urgently need to keep up with the most recent developments, developments, and roadblocks with your initiatives. You need a strong visual aid to give you useful insight to manage these ups and downs efficiently. This is exactly what Aimsio can offer. You may access relevant data, information, and insights about your projects from anywhere. Without the usual hindrances and delays, you can communicate with your stakeholders and act swiftly.

Anywhere you are, you and your team can become extremely interactive thanks to Aimsio’s simple-to-use SaaS. You have access to all the information you require by just logging into your account. We make it easier for remote teams to communicate by offering a single, unchanging source of truth. Stop using spreadsheets, switching between many platforms, and delaying projects at critical points. You can hold your projects in the palm of your hand using Aimsio. When you’re on the road, you may check the progress of tasks, the budget, and more. With our dependable software, Aimsio makes it possible for you to always act right away.

Benefits of Field Management Software

Time is a critical project management restriction for field services that cannot be duplicated through any kind of medium. The tricky question at hand is which tool is best for you. Your tools should consider the difficulties you have running your business.

In other words, efficient field management software should eliminate the need for antiquated spreadsheets, consolidate and accurately represent your data, and remove communication bottlenecks.

Although there isn’t a single, accepted definition of a proper tool, we firmly believe that it must have the following four non-negotiable qualities:

  1. Empowers everyone within your organization

    Everyone within your organization can use it without technical hurdles. Not to mention that external stakeholders are also able to get painless access to the relevant information they are looking for. The endless and inefficient back-and-forth email loop can be eliminated from your processes.

    Everyone within your organization can use it without technical hurdles. Not to mention that external stakeholders are also able to get painless access to the relevant information they are looking for. The endless and inefficient back-and-forth email loop can be eliminated from your processes.

  2. Enhances your risk management

    You and your team can take imminent action to manage undesirable incidents.

  3. Removes repetitive tasks

    Doing the same job over and over has never been desirable for humans, that’s the area where errors exponentially occur, and inefficiency is raised. Aimsio replaces this burden with constant improvement and generates a competitive edge.

  4. Stores data safely and securely

    Project information should be stored in an accessible way so that if for instance a key employee or manager quits their jobs others can continue working and delivering scheduled deliverables without interruption.

Simplify Your Project Management with Aimsio

Aimsio is the answer if you want to make project management simpler. We provide your team with the capabilities and resources required to manage a cutting-edge service that is productive, streamlined, and efficient. The good news is that putting Aimsio’s software into practice is not a challenging procedure. In reality, you can use the Aimsio ecosystem to smoothly integrate your staff into it. Our software can integrate with many of your existing tools and programs and is very user-friendly. Your employees will be excited to change. The transfer will be seamless thanks to our onboarding capabilities, which will allow your staff to start enjoying the advantages as soon as possible.

Our industry experts are available to walk you through a demo session that uncovers our product features and gives you a better picture of how we redesign your work while looking to the future.

Book your demo with Aimsio today.

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