Top 10 Reasons Field Tickets Are Rejected by Customers

by | Nov 14, 2023

Creating an accurate field ticket for your customer to approve allows you to invoice faster and get paid faster. This puts your business in a stronger cash position and gives you the necessary capital to respond to dips in the market with ease.

However, despite all of your best efforts, tickets can be rejected for many reasons leading to an endless cycle of resubmissions and emails. Even the most well intentioned and optimized field teams get it wrong from time to time – mostly due to human error.

Our goal at Aimsio is to get your tickets approved the first time around. Years of experience, and reams of data, have taught us how to do just that.

We’ve curated a list of the top 10 reasons your field tickets are being rejected, slowing down accounts receivable and cash flow:

1. Missing Information

Tickets were declined due to essential information being missed, such as unit numbers, driver names, location details, or description of work performed.

2. Duplicate Entries

Some tickets were marked as duplicates of previous entries, indicating the same information had been submitted multiple times

3. Inaccurate Costs

Errors in cost entries, including incorrect rates, missing expenses, or discrepancies in billing, resulted in ticket declines.

4. Incorrect Coding

Mistakes in GL coding or cost center assignments led to the rejection of certain tickets.

5. Unapproved Charges

Tickets that included unauthorized charges or expenses were declined.

6. Scope Misalignment

Tickets were rejected when the scope of work did not align with the contract or PO specifications.

7. Signature Issues

In some cases, tickets were declined because they were signed by the foreman, and additional signatures were not required.

8. Billing to the Wrong Contract

Tickets that billed extra work to the wrong contract or PO number were declined.

9. Unverified Costs

Some tickets lacked the necessary backup or validation for certain charges or costs.

10. Rate Discrepencies

Discrepancies in rates, such as blended rates, overtime, or unit rates, led to declines.

Do any of these sound familiar?

One highly effective way to mitigate these submission errors is to utilize a field management software like Aimsio for daily revenue operations. Aimsio acts as an industrial cash register, keeping track of an unlimited number of price books so you can run concurrent jobs across your service area with confidence in ticket pricing and accuracy.

Having crew and equipment information synchronized and accessible offline in the field via a mobile app also ensures that duplicate entries, job details, 3rd party charges, and coding is all captured accurately before submitting to your customer.

Accuracy in ticket data is obviously very important, but so is the delivery method. Aimsio users utilize our Client Portal to submit their tickets directly to their customers – who also have access to the Approver Portal, allowing for complete visibility into the process. submitted-tickets-with-title-min

When analyzing the hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tickets submitted through Aimsio to producers, operators, or approvers, over 98% of them were approved without question. Most of these tickets were approved in under 2 days. Like we said, our goal is for your tickets to get approved the first time.

Whether you end up utilizing paper and spreadsheets, or a platform like Aimsio, being aware of these top reasons for ticket rejection can help you get ahead of potential issues and secure a stronger cash position for your business.

If you’re interested in seeing exactly how Aimsio makes it easy to create error-free tickets and invoices, reach out to us. We’d love to show you how it works.

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