Streaming, Sports & Subscriptions

by | Dec 5, 2022

Unless you are living under a rock – it’s no surprise that the entertainment industry has turned primarily into streaming services with the leaders like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and Prime. Thousands of “cord cutters” use these streaming services as their main source of digital content to their TVs and their mobile devices. The industry has shifted.And there is pretty much ZERO chance that it will ever go back to cable boxes, satellite dishes and antennae to watch our zombies, love stories, or crime documentaries. No longer do you have bookshelves of DVDs (or *cough* VHS tapes) to binge watch that movie. This is because people have seen the value in having access to large libraries of content, on demand – for one flat price, always available and always accessible.And LIVE content is now reserved for special occasions, and is sometimes out of touch for those who want to “spurge”, with all of the add-on fees and costs associated with the show. Beyond high ticket prices, you have service fees, parking fees and don’t forget the impulsive purchases of over-priced merchandise that you need to buy, just for one picture on “The Gram”.Like streaming – software is now subscription based, and forward thinking companies see the value in that model. No more Best Buy software off the shelf, with limitations and expiry dates. Software as a Service (Saas) is the way to go – when you realize the added value of having access to large capacities of usage, regular improvements and updates, and ongoing product and technical support along the way. All of it – for you to binge-use, over and over again for one monthly price.Just like concert tickets, or nosebleed tickets at a sporting event – per user software pricing does always show the bottom-line cost of the experience. Yes, you might be buying seats for 10 people…..but there are always additional fees to consider – that you wouldn’t worry about with a package price subscription service. Like mentioned above – instead of inconsistent parking rates, or overpriced beer…..per-user pricing often hides some or all of the following:
  • After 10 users – the price goes up, or you need to move to a higher product tier. This is equivalent to being forced to buy more expensive floor seats, or box seats – just because you have more friends coming along.
  • You Grow? You Owe! Price increase frustration: When you were a small company – the low rate for 10 users was do-able. But as you continue to be more successful, and continue to scale – user adoption will increase as well. In a per-user pricing model you will pay more for the same features and usage. This does not change your return on investment – and the software will NEVER pay for itself.
  • All Inclusive! Ahhhh – the first filter you select when trying to figure out your next vacation. But with software – rarely does per-person pricing structures include everything for that low advertised price. There are add-ons and extra services that you didn’t expect – that adds to the price shock, and to the overall bottom-line. Being able to accurately budget and forecast for your software costs is just as important as planning your vacation. Yes, it might be thrilling to “figure it out as I go” – but it’s not going to be a cheaper trip.
For me, I like that I can watch my twin brother Ryan Reynolds whenever I want, or get every replay and interview during the football game or car race. (For legal reasons, although our charming personalities and stunning good looks are very similar – I am not Ryan Reynolds’ sibling, at least not aware of the possibility). The subscription service option makes sense for me, and allows me to get all of the features and usage I need – without worrying about additional costs, or limiting my involvement. It’s always there when I need it.And to add additional references between paying for TV and paying for Aimsio – I know that just like Aimsio – if my family (team) grows, we’re still going to get the same access, with the same ongoing support and continuous improvements/ features for the same price every month.And with that convenience and added value, all there is to think about is…potato chips or popcorn?

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