Are you still using paper field tickets or LEMs?
Using paper for field tickets and LEMs (Labor, Equipment and Material) is becoming obsolete. And while it may seem daunting to start using a digital solution for these documents, it’s something that your company should be thinking about.
Why? We’ve been using paper tickets and forms forever.
For many companies, paper forms and tickets have been in use for years, if not decades. The reasoning for carrying on as such is that “it’s worked so far, why change now?”.What we always tell our clients is that making the switch to a field ticket software like Aimsio opens up a world of possibilities that paper cannot offer.

To give an idea of what we’re talking about,
imagine a room filled with paper field tickets and safety forms…- All of the data in this room came from the field, and needs to be input into a spreadsheet in order to be of any use. So right off the bat, that’s hours of data entry that someone has to do.
- And as we know, humans aren’t perfect so there will likely be some errors in the data that’s entered into the spreadsheet.
Now let’s imagine that you need to find a certain field ticket for a certain job and you need it right now because you want to cross reference numbers with payroll…
- You can’t control+F the data in that room because it’s not digital. So that means sifting through the field tickets one by one, hoping that this particular ticket actually made it back from the field and isn’t lost.
If you had used Aimsio instead of paper tickets, the field supervisor would have already entered all of the field ticket data while on the job site, meaning that there is no data entry into a spreadsheet back at the office. You would have had the data you needed in seconds.This is just one small example of how a field ticket software takes the tedious work out of, well, work.There are also bigger, better efficiencies that your team will experience such as the ability to track budget vs. actual, remembering to charge back all costs, optimizing equipment utilization, and so much more.Going digital not only takes the data entry out of your day, it allows you to think proactively and make decisions based on data that paper documents could never provide. The possibilities are endless.
Possibilities, got it. What are some more tangible benefits?

If you’re not convinced yet, here are some more tangible benefits that our clients have seen from implementing Aimsio:
- A reduction in the number of days it takes to create and send invoices.
- No more lost field tickets or LEMs, meaning no more lost revenue.
- Create revenue reports with just a few clicks.
- Elimination of communication breakdowns between the office and the job site.
- Track margins and create accurate estimates based off past jobs.
- Free up capital by quickly recouping what would normally be spent keeping resources on site.
- Avoiding overspending by keeping your spending in check.
- Using a system that works from end-to-end, meaning no switching between Excel and other software to transfer information.
Is now the right time?
If you’ve ever asked yourself, or your team, any of the following questions, now is the time to start looking for a Field Management software like Aimsio:
- How is this project tracking compared to what we allocated in the budget?
- Did we remember to charge back all the costs to the client?
- Does anyone know where that dozer is? Is it lost or is it on a job?
- What was our profit margin on that job?
- How many hours did our team work on all jobs in the last pay period?